Sunday, October 31, 2010

Telling time in Espanol (spanish)

In order to tell time you definitaly need to know numbers from 1-60 in spanish. Telling time is not hard but you also need to know how to speak Spanish. By that I mean you need to know how to say half and quarter to and say how much to. For example….

Once you have mastered the numbers you are not yet done. Next you need to know that the –y- next to  cincuenta y, or veint y etc. is pronounced like sin-quent-eye-or BENT-EYE also you need to know the pronunciation. Also like “es las tres" which means it is three o'clock. Or es las uno or es las ......etc.

the days of the week

When you do days of the week you need to know how to say days of the week.  In order know how to say the days of the week you need to know the difference in between the capitals and lower case letters and also accents. Accents are the words with little lines on top of the letter and they are pronounces as shown in the graph below. Accents in the word may get you in trouble by saying it wrong and the teacher or Spanish person by them misinterpreting it. Also it may mean something else in Spanish. There will be a video that explains Dime asking shay that walks up what day is the test and dime gets scared because that day is the test so he starts scrambleing. You also need to know how to ask which is....¿que dia de la semana es el? Which means what day of the week is it? 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Having a basic conversation!

In order to have a basic conversation you need to know:
·      How to ask someone there name and tell them yours.
·      How to ask someone there age and tell them yours.
·      How to ask someone where there from and tell them where your from

                      Basic conversation questions and answers!

In this video a student asks her teacher some survey questions. The student says hello to her teacher and asks him how is he doing. The teacher says very good and you. The student say good thank you and then she asks the teacher where is he from. The teacher tells her he is from Puerto Rico but he lives in Philadelphia. Then the students say thank you and they both say goodbye.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Y tü and Y Ud both mean and you

Using Y tu and Y Ud.

Y tü and Y Ud both mean and you

Y tu is used when you’re talking to a colleague or friend.
Y ud is used when your talking to someone you respect.

Times when you would use Y tu or Y ud.

·      If your talking to your mother you should say Y Ud?

·      If you were talking to someone younger then you, you would say Y tu?

                                                       Y tu  & Y ud

In this video we are showing how you would talk to the president. When your talking the president you would use Ud because you are showing him that you respect him. Also in this video we are showing how the president would respond to a teenager. The president would use Y tu because when he is talking to a teenager because the teenager is not someone he looks up to.

The proper way to greet someone and say goodbye in Español.

What you need to know in order to greet someone in Español:
·      How to say hello in Español
·      How to say goodbye in Español
·      How to say how are you in Español
·      How to say nice to meet you. And nice to meet you to.

             Ways of greeting someone.              &                  What they mean.

If some asks you how are you, you should say:

When your done, having a conversation with someone you jus meet you should say:

·      Mocho Gusto. Which means Nice to meet you.
·      If the person says Mocho Gusto to you first you should say Igualmente, which means like wise.

Ways to say goodbye:

This is a video of There are two teenagers meeting in the hallway. They greet each other by saying hello. Next they ask each other how they are doing. Then they say good-bye to each other.